Sunday, December 19, 2010

Booze and stories

Seldom do I find people who have the same interests as we (Michael and I) do in this place. It's comforting and at the same time frustrating. We sometimes get left behind simply because we don't hear news about the things we're interested in often.

Friday night we had friends come over to our place for booze and stories. Both flowed smoothly. Fiestas aren't just about the food or the lechon (which is still food, but I had to emphasize, though). It's about the gathering that happens whether coincidental or planned. That's the part I love. It doesn't happen every day. I don't get to mingle with friends of the same wavelength very often. It's a good feeling when you feel like you belong.

I just learned that Michael's friend is interested in most things as I am. So a promise of exchange of books. It was fun. I'm hoping that we all get the chance to do this again very soon.

Well, I'll try to keep the festive mood till the new year. It'll be a three week feat for me.